Recent News

The City of Johnson City staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you!  Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.

2025 Budget Hearing


The 2025 budget hearing will be held at the next council meeting August 7 at 12:00. Click budget information for details.

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Council Meeting


Our next regular council meeting will be August 7th at 12:00 PM at city hall. Feel free to come by and watch your council at work.

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2024 CCR


The 2024 consumer confidence report is now available, just look under the water quality report in the resident catagory or click the link.

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Ordinance 406


Please take note of the new time and day for regular scheduled City Council meetings as listed in Ordinance 406.

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Lawn Watering


Please help with water management, only water your yard on days that your street adress matches the day. For example a 304 (even number) address would water May 12 (even day). This just helps us manage the city water wells when we have high water demand. Just remember odds and evens. Thanks for your help.

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Dog Regulations!


A reminder to everyone who has a K9 companion. Please keep them in a enclosed yard or on a cable or in a kennel. At no time are they to be running loose while inside the city limits. If one gets loose please notify us that your actively looking for it and we can help.

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Landfill and City Trash Guidelines


Please note that the Stanton County Landfill and city guidelines are posted under the resident catagory in sanitation and recycling section. Please follow these rules as they will explain what is exceptable for both entinties.

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